Tri Dosha Herbal Arcade

Concept of Tridosha: A Science of three bio-energies -Ayurveda

Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

What does dosha mean?

In Ayurveda, a dosha is one of three substances that are believed to be present in a person’s body. many Ayurveda Text has defined Dosha, as “The Three-Dosha Theory” (Sanskrit: त्रिदोषोपदेशः,). Authoritative Ayurvedic treatises describe how the quantity and quality of these three substances fluctuate in the body according to the seasons, time of day, diet, and several other factors. While Ayurvedic doshas are a similar concept to Latin Humorism. Dosha (bio-energies)are the structural and functional units of the body.

Tri Dosha | Herbal Arcade

How does the dosha form?

Before Jumping to the topic of “How Dosha Forms??”, let’s understand The formation of the body. our body is made from five basic elements that are Panchamahabhuta.

  1. Prithvi-Earth
  2. Aap – Water
  3. Tej- fire
  4. Vayu- Air
  5. Aakash -Ether 

Tridoshas are made up wit the combination of these Five basic Elements. This relations of dosha with Panchamahabhuta(basic elements) gives an idea about its nature, qualities.

  • Vatta- Air+Ether
  • Pitta- Water +Fire
  • Kapha- Water+Earth

What are the functions of dosha?

  1. Vata: all types of movements taking place in the body.
  2. Pitta: it coordinates digestion, transformation, and change.
  3. Kapha: It functions as union, stability strength.

Dosha is responsible for the Creation of physical growth. Dosha are not eliminated out of the body as like waste products. They are in the body since the birth of an individual takes place. One dosha predominates the other. Dosha are responsible to decide body constitution type(Prakriti).

Pathology of Tridosha &its Management.

When dosha are in a balanced condition they carry out all prominent body functions as well as maintain health. When dosha gets disturbed they attack body tissues so, which leads to disease. The elements which get spoiled due to vitiated dosha called dushya(victims). Knowledge of Tridosha is very fundamental to study the physiology of an individual.    In the pathological activity, we consider the hyper and hypo state of dosha. Hypo and hyper state may be at 3 levels.

  1. Properties
  2. Functions.
  3. Substances

Based on the principle of homologous and heterogeneous pathology of Tridosha can be treated.

Tridosha increases or decreases according to age, day and night, stages of digestion of food, and seasons. In this condition, it doesn’t cause any diseases. This is called the Circadian rhythm. In childhood Kaphaproperties and activities are dominant. Pitta is dominant in middle age WhereasVata is dominant in old age.

The healthy and unhealthy state of a human being depends upon normal or abnormal conditions. The importance of tridosha is noteworthy, as they are the main cause for the formation of Prakriti as well as the formation disease.No sooner any person consumes diet or follows the irregular diet, lifestyle than they get disturbed and spoil the other body tissues.

Kapha dosha is formed as a byproduct from metabolism from Rasa dhatu{lymph, lymphatic fluid}. Pitta is a byproduct at the time of metabolism of Rakta{blood}dhatu. Whereas the energy received from the body is Vata dosha.

Vata Dosha | Herbal Arcade

What is Vata Dosha??

An element in the body which is responsible for any sort of movement is called as Vata Dosha. Vata has special importance among tridoshas.

In human body , Pitta, Kapha, tissues, and wastes are handicapped for doing their activities independently.Each and every action needs stimulation of vata dosha . We can observe same thing in nature  movement of clouds ,sea waves , shifting of sands, of sands, tree leaves, and even earthquakes are due to principle of propulsion.

Vata dosha is invisible but it can be experienced from the functions. Dry, light, cold ,rough, subtle, mobility,union,clear these are properties of vata.

To keep balance in vata doshaabove said properties should remain in balanced state. But if a person follows the diet or activities, similarto properties in excess, then as per the principle of homologous and heterologous, vata dosha provocation can take place, for example if somebody eat too much substances like popcorn toast sandwich, salads.vata dosha gets aggregated. similarly too much mobile activities can disturb mobile and light activities, this type of vata can create symptoms like fatigue,giddiness, weakness.

Hyper state of Vata:-

weight loss, blackdiscoloration, desire for warm things,tremor,bulging of abdomen, constipation, improper functioning of organs, delirium or irrelevant talk,giddiness,weak mind.

Hypo state of  Vata:-

less desire to talk, lacking in stimulation .

PranHead, chestSmooth activities of intelligence, heart, mind sense organs, spitting, sneezing, belchingCold, cough, fatigue loss of
memory, unconsciousness,
even coma.
UdanNose, pharynx, chest, abdominal organs near umbilicus,Speech, efforts, energy, color of skin, memory, expiration,Diseases of nose, eye mouth, ear, head, hiccough, bronchial asthma, abnormalities of color skin.
Vyan Heart, whole bodyCardiac output, sweating, five types of activities (upward, downward, transverse, contraction, relaxation)Cardiac arrest, hypertension, circulatory problems,
hypotension, cold hands& feet.
Saman Stomach, large intestines.To receive food, digestion of food, propel waste material, separation between, waste and useful part,Low digestive fire,
diarrhea, indigestion,
acidity, vomiting.
Apan,Lower abdomen, Pelvic areaSemen expulsion, menstrual, discharge, expulsion of fetus, defeacation,urination.Disease of bladder, rectum, discourage
5 Types of VATA (vayu)

General principle of treatment :-

In hyper or hypo activity of vata, One should follow diet, behavior, medications opposite to the qualities of vata properties . It should be antagonists nature to vata properties. Eg: use of milk ghee, oil nourishing food, physical and mental rest,oil applications medicines like Shatavari kalp, medicinal wine prepared from sida Cardiofolia.

   Union of physical body senses, mind and soul can be maintained due tovata only. therefore maintenance of quality of vata dosha depends on physiological status of vata.Vata is responsible for feeding air, food and water to keeping body strengths.

Pitta Dosha | Herbal Arcade

What is PITTA Dosha??

After consuming food from universe it should be transformed in to useful form, with the help of metabolic activity, This transformation, suggestion, and metabolism is done by pitta dosha.

Pitta is  substance with specific properties and function.Agni is energy residing in pitta. Properties of pitta are  oily, sharp , penetrating,light,unpleasant smell, liquid.

Common functions of pitta are Digestion or transformation, heat,Vision,hunger,thirst,taste,luster and complexion of skin,. Grasping and understanding capacity, braveness,courage, Normal metabolism. Different glands in the gastrointestinal tract which secrets digestive juice are medium of pitta flow.

Common site of pitta

Abdominal Part around umbilicus Stomach, serum, blood,Skin,In the eyes.

Hyper state of pitta

yellows colored in in stool,urine,yellow eyes and skin excessive hunger (polyphagia)excessive thirst polydipsia burning sensation, insomnia.

Hypo state of pitta

Low digestive fire cold, brightening and glorification function becomes low

Principle treatmentof pitta

One should follow diet, behaviour, medicines antagonistic properties of pitta. cooling, soothing measures are expected. Milk, sugar, ghee, mung dal, cold drinks adequate sleep mental rest and medicines like Shatavari, mental rest,  coral and rose petals jam should be given.

Details about subtypes of pitta given in table below:-

PachakaIn between stomach and large intestineDigestion, gives stimulation support,
strength to other types of pitta
SadhakaHeartProper functioning of intellect,
understanding capacity, self esteem,
mind, heart
RanjakaStomachTo give color to blood normal
haemopoesis,haemoglobin in blood
AlochakaEyeTo normal vision
BhrajakSkinComplexion of color of skin
sweating control
Kapha Dosha | Herbal Arcade

What is Kapha Dosha??

 Protection of all organs against tear and wear nearby maintaining molecular union and to provide stability ,to stimulate growth is function of Kapha. Due to anabolic activity body is preserved from ageing. Kapha is soft, cool,stable nature . Properties of Kapha are oiliness/unctuousness,cold, heavy, slow,slimy, sticky stable,. Common functions of kapha are to givestability to bony joints , oiliness, healing function ,replacement, strength.

Common area of Kapha are chest ,throat, head, pancreas, bony joints fat, nose, tongue.

Hyper state of Kapha Dosha

Weak digestive , Excess Salivation,Lethargy,heaviness in the body, Whitishcolor, paleness, laxity, flabbinessbreathlessness, cough, excessive sleep

Hypo state of Kapha Dosha

Giddiness, hollowness, palpitation

Principle of treatment

In hyper state one should follow diet,behaviors and medication, opposite to the  qualities of Kapha.  for example, adequate exercise, no fatty food, noise of ginger, garlic spices, churna, higvashtaka churna, bhallatak, asara,triphala,guvgulu.

The detail about sub types of Kapha given below:-

KledakaStomachMoisten and soften the food protection of colon stomach from the action of acidic digestives juices
AvalambakChestProtection to heart lungs,mediastinum, strength to entire body
BodhakTongueTaste of food,protect buccal mucosa
ShleshkaJointsLubrication to the joints,union of two. Parts
TarpakaHeadNourishment and protection to centers in sense organs in the brain

Hence, to maintain health, by keeping balanced condition of tridosha, we must know above details the properties and function of tridosha.

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