
Chirayata (Swertia chirayita) (चिरायता) |Benefits |

Introduction of Chiretta (Swertia chirayita)(चिरायता): Chirayata (Swertia chirayita) is also known as common Andrographis, King of bitter and kalmegh. Chiretta is one of the most effective medicines for liver problems and fever. Andrographis is well known for its property to cure a cold. Andrographis has been used since ancient times for the treatment of upper […]

Ground Nut Peanut Herbal Arcade

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)Groundnut/(मूँगफली): 12 Benefits | Intro | Usages |

Peanut / Groundnut/ Monkey nut (Arachis hypogaea) Groundnut is cultivated throughout India. There are many varieties of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) in the nation which are called Desi Badam or Chinese almond.   Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) has been known as King of oilseed crop and it occupies fourth most significant rank of oilseed crops in the world […]

Papaya (पपीता) Herbal Arcade

14 Astonishing Benefits of Papaya (पपीता)(Carica papaya)| Introduction | Common Names | Usages | Gallery

Papaya (पपीता)( Carica papaya ) Introduction- Papaya (पपीता) is originated in South America. It was planted first time in India by the Portuguese 400 years ago. It is faith that the first time in India it was fetched in Kerala. Kerala people called it kappkaay (कप्पकाय) which stands for fruit brought in the ship.  Hence, […]

benefits of ashwagandha Herbal Arcade

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) (अश्वगंधा)| Introduction | Common Names | Usages | Gallery

Introduction Ashwagandha / Withania somnifera Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has been used since ancient times as it is caring for some miraculous medicinal value and other numerous benefits. It is also known as winter cherry and many other names. Ashwagandha gives energy to the body and increases concentration power. It is one of the best tonics […]

Cumin (Jeera) | Herbal Arcade

Cumin (जीरा): 23 Amazing Benefits| (Cuminum cyminum) | Intro| Usages

Cumin (जीरा) (Cuminum cyminum) Introduction: Cumin (जीरा)  is a small herb plant growing up to 30-50 cm in height. Cumin (जीरा) (Cuminum cyminum) stem is 20-30 cm long in dark green colored and its leaves are compound and alternative whereas its fruits cremocarp are green but turn into grey when they start ripening and its […]


Turmeric(Curcuma longa)(हल्दी) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

  What is Turmeric(Curcuma longa)(हल्दी)??   Turmeric(Curcuma longa) is an essential spice that is commonly used in the kitchen every where in india. Not any single auspicious day is completed without the use of turmeric. Turmeric is also used in many beauty products. There are many varieties of Tumeric like-   Curcuma long Linn.– Used […]


18 Benefits of Black pepper (Piper nigrum), (काली मिर्च) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

Black pepper (Piper nigrum), (काली मिर्च) Introduction  Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is widely used as a spice in India. In the forest black pepper gets get cultivated automatically but in South India’s cold & tropical climate area its vines are sown. Maximum two yields can be taken from it, First in August-September and second in […]

Clove (Lavang) | Herbal Arcade

Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) (लौंग)| Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) Introduction  Clove is originally originated in Maluku Island in Indonesia but In India Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) is cultivated in the Southside like Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Throughout India, clove is mainly imported from Singapore. Flowering starts in clove when it starts turning almost into 9 years. Its flowers’ buds are […]