15 Surprising Health Benefits of Maize (मक्का) (Zea mays) | Introduction | Common Names | Usages | Gallery
Maize (मक्का) (Zea mays)
Maize (मक्का) (Zea mays) Introduction-
Maize(मक्का) is also called the Queen of cereals. In India maize is mainly cultivated in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Karnataka and etc. In India after Rice and wheat, maize production is the highest.
Maize grain is highly nutritive. Corn is having a richness of fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Maize is a bisexual plant and male and female inflorescence are at different parts, maize is 1.2-3 m tall, annual, and its leaves are long, broad, alternative, and single. Its flowering and fruiting time is from June to October. There are many numbers of a variety of corn like yellow, red, orange, black, white and etc.
Its grain contains starch, sugar, protein, fat, fiber, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, glucose, fructose, Iron, beta carotene, and many more.
Corn’s delicate hair is a painkiller and diuretic. That’s why its decoction is fed in stone problem, protuberance, Gonorrhea. Maize Have Health benefits such as reducing the risk of anemia, best for those who are willing to gain weight, Energy booster, lessening cholesterol, and also helpful for kidney-related problems.
Common Names of Maize(मक्का)

Ayurvedic Properties of Maize(मक्का)

Maize(मक्का) Health benefits and usages
Maize for Tuberculosis
- Eating different types of edible food made by grains of maize helps in tuberculosis.
Maize for Infirmity
- Fry the corn or eating different types of edible food made by maize helps in reducing infirmity and makes the body strong.
Maize for an energy booster
- Those who are gym lovers can add corn to their diet because corn is a rich source of carbohydrates that takes time to get digested so, which provides energy to keep on working hard. Maize contains around 70% carbohydrates in its corn.

Maize for anemia
- Corn helps in reducing the risk of anemia because of its properties to contain Iron, folic acid, and Vit-B12. these all help in forming or generating Red blood corpuscles (RBC) in the body.
Maize(मक्का) for gaining weight
- As maize contains a good amount of fiber, calories, and vitamins which can help you to gain weight and look confident.
Corn for eyes
- As corn contains pigment named lutein which acts as an antioxidant that helps in protecting our eyes from blue light.
Corn for blood sugar control
- consuming a general amount of corn can help in regulating blood sugar levels. So, It helps in diabetes mellitus
Maize(मक्का) for Diphtheria
- Feeding maize helps in diphtheria.
Thorax disease (Cough)
- Feeding fried maize helps in cough.
Hemorrhoids (Piles)
- Make the decoction of grains of maize, doing a hip bath can help in hemorrhoids.
Liver problems
- Grind the style of maize, feeding this will help in liver problems.

Kidney related problems
- The decoction of the leaves and roots is taken into use as a solution for the treatment of dysuria and strangury.
Renal calculus
- Mix 60-65 mg ash (भस्म) of maize into 1 glass of water, feeding this will help in renal calculus.
Cystitis (मूत्रशय-विकार)
- Make the decoction of the style of maize, feeding 10-20 ml will help in suppressing cystitis.
- Make the 20 ml decoction of maize, feeding this will help in suppressing pain occurring while urination.
Bones related problems (Rheumatism)
- Eating maize helps in rheumatism.
Useful part:
- Corns
** Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literature or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying. **
Images : Pixabay
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