Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)Groundnut/(मूँगफली): 12 Benefits | Intro | Usages |
Peanut / Groundnut/ Monkey nut (Arachis hypogaea)
Groundnut is cultivated throughout India. There are many varieties of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) in the nation which are called Desi Badam or Chinese almond.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) has been known as King of oilseed crop and it occupies fourth most significant rank of oilseed crops in the world with this it is cultivated more than 100 countries across the world which makes it worldwide popular.
In India Peanut is majorly cultivated in Gujarat, Andar Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Maharashtra.
At some places, groundnut is eaten raw whereas, at other, it is eaten after roasting or with other food. Some products like oil, protein, and flour are extracted from groundnut.
Peanut is about 30-80 cm long spread on the ground and is an annual herbaceous plant. Its stem is straight, long and its branches are opposite whereas its leave is pinnate, 8-12 cm long, and bright green. Peanut flowers are bright yellow and almost 8 mm long.

Its seed is 1-3 in number, oval-shaped, cylindrical, and covered with a thin brownish colored layer. It’s flowering and fruiting time is from November to January.
Due to being a leguminous crop, it is protein-rich. And also contains Calcium, vitamin-E, zinc, iron, and fat. In its Panchang beta-sitosterol, lysine, arginine, behenic acid, vanillic acid, and saponin are found.
It is used as a remedy for protecting our heart, helps in Diabetes, kidney problems, skin problems, diarrhea, bone pain and etc.
( Special- Groundnut is also called the Almond of poor people because of the nutrition present in it. Roasted peanut is palatable and roborant, but water should not be drunk just after eating it.).
Ground Nut Peanut Common Names

Peanut/Groundnut Ayurvedic Properties

Peanut medicinal benefits and usages
Peanut for Thorax diseases-
Make the ash (भस्म) after Peeling the groundnut, taking 1 gm ash either with honey or warm water with help in cough and respiration.
Peanut for For Heart
As peanut is a good source of copper which helps in ameliorating heart health.
Peanut is also a good source of vitamin- B3 which helps in resisting heart disease.
A strong antioxidant named Resveratrol is found in peanuts which may help in reducing the risk of heart illness and cancer type a harmful disease.
In peanut Oleic acid is also found which helps in increasing good cholesterol and decreasing bad cholesterol in the blood.
Peanut oil is used in cardiology.

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) for Diarrhea
Taking betel with 2 drops of seed oil of peanut will help in diarrhea and abdominal pain.
digestion and abdominal disorders
Just roast peanut and mix black pepper, mint, lemon, and ginger in it make the chutney ( चटनी), feeding this will help in digestion and abdominal disorders.
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) for diabetes
As peanut is not having many carbohydrates which makes it one of the good choices for people having diabetes. A very less amount of carbs is found in peanuts.
Chapati of wheat and groundnut is beneficial for the patient with diabetes.
kidney disorders
Groundnut oil is used in kidney-disorders and inflammation treatment.
Peanut for joint pain
Having the massage of groundnut oil helps in suppressing joint pain.
Peanut for skin
The presence of some vitamin-like vitamin-E and fats helps our skin to glow.
Applying the oil of peanut helps in scabies, pruritus, and ringworm.
Make the powder after roasting groundnut applying this on the skin after mixing (उबटन) other substances will help in the disorder of the skin.

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) For the overall body –
Using the oil of groundnut helps in suppressing normal weakness and gives strength.
Winter Tonic
Jaggery which is prepared in the winter season after mixing peanut & sesamum in jaggery is very nutritive and roborant.
Phosphorus is found in good quantity in peanut, it is a mineral that has a significant function for the tissues of the body ( For maintenance & growth).
Weigh loss
Ground-nut really helps in reducing weight due to the presence of high protein, fat, and fiber which doesn’t let your appetite increase.
Useful parts of Peanut / (Arachis hypogaea):
- Seeds (majorly)
- Shell
- Leaves
Dosage of Peanut / (Arachis hypogaea)
- Raw Peanut: 20-100 gm
- Peanut oil: 1-3 Tbsp
- Peanut Butter: 1-3 Tbsp
Buy Peanut / (Arachis hypogaea)
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** Above Post is for Information Purposes, data are collected from various literature or experiences of many physicians (vaidya). Please do consult your doctor before trying. **
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