
Turmeric(Curcuma longa)(हल्दी) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

  What is Turmeric(Curcuma longa)(हल्दी)??   Turmeric(Curcuma longa) is an essential spice that is commonly used in the kitchen every where in india. Not any single auspicious day is completed without the use of turmeric. Turmeric is also used in many beauty products. There are many varieties of Tumeric like-   Curcuma long Linn.– Used […]


18 Benefits of Black pepper (Piper nigrum), (काली मिर्च) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

Black pepper (Piper nigrum), (काली मिर्च) Introduction  Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is widely used as a spice in India. In the forest black pepper gets get cultivated automatically but in South India’s cold & tropical climate area its vines are sown. Maximum two yields can be taken from it, First in August-September and second in […]

Clove (Lavang) | Herbal Arcade

Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) (लौंग)| Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) Introduction  Clove is originally originated in Maluku Island in Indonesia but In India Clove ( Syzygium aromaticum) is cultivated in the Southside like Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Throughout India, clove is mainly imported from Singapore. Flowering starts in clove when it starts turning almost into 9 years. Its flowers’ buds are […]

Ashoka (Saraca Asoca)

Ashoka (Saraca asoca) (अशोक) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

 Ashoka (Saraca asoca) (अशोक) Introduction : Ashok is like a pearl in Indian forest medicine. It has been found important since ancient times. Ashoka (Saraca asoca)stands for reliever of misery and also known for decreasing your sorrows. In Ramayana, Sita Mata was kept under the Ashoka tree for 1 year by Ravana. Ashoka trees are […]

Castor plant HerbalArcade

Eranda (Castor oil plant), (Ricinus communius)(एरण्ड ) | Introduction | Common Names | Benefits | Usages | Gallery

Eranda ( Castor oil plant )( Ricinus communius ) Introduction: Eranda (Castor oil plant) is a small plant or shrub that can be found up to 2000 m altitude in forest soil. The oil which is extracted from its seed kernel is an unhazardous laxative. Eranda is used for multiple purposes in ayurvedic medicine as […]